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        Parameter Send (single)

  This message can be used to alter a single parameter using a remote device.

  Data is send in the following form:

    11110000    System Exclusive
    01000000    Kawai ID
    0000nnnn    MIDI channel number; n=Channel [0.15= Channel 1.16]
    00010000    Parameter Send
    00000000    Synthesizer group
    00000011    ID:K1 or K1m or K1r
    0xxxxxxx    Parameter number
    00000ssd    ss=00: S1 or COMMON parameter
                ss=01: S2
                ss=10: S3
                ss=11: S4
                d= MSB of value
    0ddddddd    Value LSB (7 bits)
    11110111    End of Exclusive

  Transmission will take 3.2 ms.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson